Sunday, February 28, 2010

I'm definitely not in Paris anymore.

This weekend I went to the Provence region of France. I went with the entire API group so there was over 70 of us. We spent Friday and part of Saturday in Aix en Provence which was cute, it was a little off the coast. It was a very old town and reminded me of Italy. Well we found out that it was built in Ancient Rome so I guess there is a reason why it felt like I was in Italy. The first day we went to this restaurant that had extremely fresh seafood. I ate these mussels that literally just came out of the ocean there was still seaweed stuck to them. They were amazing salty. Then Allie my roomie for the weekend, and I went and took a three hour long nap which was very nice because all though we only stayed in a two star hotel the beds were way more comfortable then what we have at the dorms. We went to dinner with a couple others who went on a tour earlier in the day that we missed. We walked to this really tiny street that was filled with restaurants and actually got chinese food it wasn't half bad, but it was nothing like chinese food from say Imperial Wok which is my favorite.
On Saturday in the morning we went to the markets of Aix. We first went to the flower market which was absolutely amazing. I felt like I could smell the flowers blocks away, it was very nice. The markets here reminded me of Beauty and the Beast. Then we went to the food market, which was spectacular we got some cheese that was delish and then I bought a bottle of pink wine that was made in Provence and pink colored wine is known to be from that area so I'm excited to try it! We then went to the clothing market, it was very cool because they had like booths for everything; hats, marfs (man scarf), furs, pants, dresses. This market also had an amazing selection of old vintage books. I bought a Shirley Temple book that looks super old, it has an edition number on the front so only a certain amount were made, and it is in French so maybe it will help me learn French. The second half of the day we went to Cassis, which is where I'm moving to when I have enough money. It was literally the most amazing town ever. The sites were beautiful no matter where you were. All though it was raining the views were still spectacular. It is right on the Mediterranean sea, meaning the water is super blue. Oh! So I decided that I am going to collect like rocks from different places I visit, like tiny river rocks. I got one from Cassis and Marseille. These smaller towns are very hilly like if you aren't in shape you will definitely need to take a break.
So, Marseille. I didn't like it. It's one of the largest cities in France. I thought it was really gross, and it reminded me of like Communist Russia it was really run down and I felt like it could have crumbled. I mean I'm sure there are nice places their, but where we were it was super gross. They did have this beautiful church which is considered the Notre Dame of the south but when we got there my camera died so I dont have a picture but it was beautiful. I guess Marseille has that.
I'm glad to be back in Paris though, it was an exhausting weekend. I also cant believe I have been here for two weeks already it doesn't feel that long at all. I miss everyone, especially Scarlett. I have a full day of class tomorrow (7 hours) and my second class I have to present a project on a French film director so that should be interesting haha. My friend from home is coming to visit this wednesday. Her name is Sarah, she is studying abroad in Italy! I can't wait to see her its going to be nice to see a familiar face for a few days.
Conclusion of the weekend go to Cassis, whenever you have the chance, and when it is warm.


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