Thursday, February 18, 2010

Bienvenue Paris!!!

So the first day was quite exhausting, but I met a lot of great people almost everyone from the group except for number two of the two guys on this program because he missed his flight but I feel like he had cold feet and then his parents made him come but those are just my thoughts. Actually my flight was wonderful the stewardess was very nice and spoke french. When I arrived I had to find a cafe to meet the director to take me to the hotel which took me forever to find but finally I did. Everyone in the program is super nice and pleasant. The first four girls I met we ended up eating like the whole day which is wonderful haha. We ordered coffee from McDonalds because it was the only place with to-go coffee.

On the second day we took a metro tour which was exciting and complicated and then some of us branched off and went to the eiffel tower which is marvelous. It is better then any picture, its hard to explain how magnificent it is.
I then started to realize that restaurants seem to try to make the most awkward mixture of foods ever because I went to a little cafe and had a bagel that had guac and tuna on it, don't recommend it. Later on that night, I got stuck in the hotel elevator for an hour and a half with 8 other students that are from my group. I freaked out for the first five minutes but then all of us started talking and we actually got to know each other pretty well.
The third day I ate my first crepe!! It was amazing. I had a banana and chocolate crepe literally to die for, a lot better then Skinny Pancake in VT. I also moved in to my dorm which is brand new but extremely tiny and definitely made for la francais petit, not for 6 foot people. Our building has a soiree every wednesday where the other students meet for drinks in the basement (its refinished) and have 1 euro beer and wine at the bar that is down there, so that was cool except it seemed very cliquy and everyone spoke a hundred mile an hour french, so it was impossible for me to understand.
Today we had to wake up early and go to the center for a meeting where we got our schedule, mines pretty cool I'm taking some neat classes but they seem to be 4 hours long each. They start next Monday so we will see how that goes. Then after that we went to the Musee d'Orsay which was spectacular, there were mostly impressionist painters; monet, van gogh, and certain french painters that I can't remember but the cool thing about this museum is that it used to be a train station but then it grew to small so it was abandoned and then in the 70's the pres decided to make it a museum and the works that are in the museum are only between the periods of the end of the French Monarchy and the start of world war 1 all the other works are housed in the Louvre (I'm going there tomorrow). I went to a place called Berts for lunch and it was a really great sandwich shop they had amazing food. For dinner a couple of us just went up the street to this italian place that was pretty cheap for France and got a pizza.
Its great so far but I can't wait to see whats next!

Till next time. Au revior!!

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