Sunday, February 21, 2010

Montmartre & the Moulin Rouge

Last night I went out in Paris for the first time, it was a lot of fun we went to this Irish bar called Le Hideout all the people there were super nice and when that closed for the night we went to an Australian bar right across the street and when we realized we were allowed to walk around with our drinks outside we did, we were in the Bastille area which has a lot of bars, but when the metros closed we ended up taking a taxi back which wasn't half bad (price wise) except I really had to pee so I literally ran in to my dorm. I definitely want to go back that area. I feel like at the bars I'm going to end up only drinking beer because its the cheapest and its still like 4,50 euro, thats like 7 or 8 USD. Crazy.
Well today I went to McDonalds for a Royal with Cheese which dates back to Pulp Fiction, it was delish. My friend Allie came along with me through out the whole day she is from Long Island. We then walked over to a market that was in the central part of Bastille and Allie bought this awesome mirror that was a Jewish hand symbol (i dont remember the name) but it's also an Israel symbol, it was decorated with tin foil and the decoration on it was incredible for tin foil work. We then proceeded to go to the wrong National Opera House for the ballet we had tickets for and we were too late to travel to the other side of Paris to make the show, so we hopped on the metro and went to the artsy area Montmartre which is in the 18th arrondissement. When we walked up the million stair spiral staircase to reach the open air from the metro, we walked in to this really pretty church it was smaller then most churches in France but it had intricate detail it almost looked spanish at least from the stonework that I saw. After we checked that out we walked down a large hill which takes some practice because the streets are made of different stones not pavement.
When we got down to the bottom we found ourselves in the sex district, store after store of sex stuff and door after door of strip joints, and at last we found the Moulin Rouge which was really cool because I love that movie. So we took several pictures and then went to the Cimetiere de Montmartre it housed famous French artists, politicians, writers, actors any profession you could think of in this cemetery. The cemetery was nothing like at home, it felt more like a little village, because they don't have tomb stones really they have the little houses instead. After we exited the cemetery I saw a golden retriever puppy and it made me miss Scarlett so much. The puppy was jumping up and down and having a blast. We then proceeded to walk back up the hill to go to the church Sacre Coeur, which was incredible it was on the tippy top of the hill and you can see all of Paris from its steps it was so beautiful (again pictures coming soon). I ran in to what I thought was a pick pocketer and gave him the death stare and walked away. Then we hopped on the metro and I just got back home, so I'm exhausted.

Tomorrow is my first day of classes! Wish me luck!!

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