Monday, February 22, 2010

My First Day of Classes

Well today was interesting. I don't remember the last time I had a 7 hour class day. I don't even know how I am still awake from it, but to say the least the classes weren't half bad. I was really frustrated this morning when my metro card didn't work, and I had to buy a ticket and the woman at the counter and I couldn't understand each other and then I got off the metro and my friend Caley and I couldn't find the school we kept walking in the opposite direction, luckily here everything is way slower paced so when class starts at 10 they mean 10:15 which is perfectly acceptable in my book.
Then when I walked in to class my professor doesn't speak english, well she does but she wouldn't speak it. I mean I am in Paris and I'm trying to learn French but on the first day of the lowest possible level of French I mean come on at least wait a week. She had to repeat herself like 20 times because some people understood but the majority was just shaking their heads and guessing. So that was extremely frustrating. I had an hour and a half break and went to my second class which is Contemporary French Cinema which was awesome because it is completely taught in english and I could participate, and the professor was so cool. He actually goes back and forth between London and Paris for teaching which is really intense but he's great, so I don't mind.
I think I'll be able to deal with my French class as long as the electives I am taking are more exciting and fun.
One thing that sucks is that the metro stop thats literally right outside of my school is closing next Monday so I have to get off a stop before but I'm not really complaining because I need the exercise and I have to go home skinny, its my goal. So sitting here eating Golden Grahams isn't helping haha.. but they're so good.
I asked for a Berger today thinking I'd get a burger but I got a crepe with provolone cheese and goat cheese on it I almost vommed, but when I mixed it with the side salad it wasn't half bad. I need to go learn the French alphabet, I need all the help I can get!!


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