Saturday, February 20, 2010

Mona Lisa smile

So today was an early day. We had to get up at 7:30 and go to our school to take the oral exam which in my case was entertaining because I don't know how to speak French. After that I had my first food shopping experience which was pleasant, and I also picked up a little rug for my even littler room. Milk here tastes way different then milk from home I would do anything for a Nesquick right now haha.

Then we had our last orientation meeting that was actually the best one, it was about shopping in Paris and the do's and dont's sort of thing. I think I may be catching a cold because I've been sneezing on and off all day. We then went to the Louvre which was amazing. I learned that if you look at each piece for 3 seconds it will take you three months to see every piece. I saw the Mona Lisa which just made me laugh because it is the only painting with a glass box over it and there is a minimum like 10 feet barricade around it so no one can get close. I did get a picture so that was good. They had some beautiful pieces especially from Ancient Greece, but I definitely have to go back there because I would say we saw roughly 2 % of it or less, and we were there for almost 2 hours. By the time that was over I thought my feet were going to fall off because they hurt so much from walking around.
Today I was able to order something from a bakery in French and they didn't ask me to repeat it, that was the first time... so yay me! Tomorrow we are going to the Notre Dame and then I want to go up to the Opera house and go shopping around there, supposedly there are huge dept stores similar to Macys and such!
Miss you!!

Till next time.

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