Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Hello Volcano!

So luckily my spring break plans were not semi-ruined from the volcano, but it definitely effected everyone over here. Now I am taking a train to Spain instead of a plane, which may actually be pretty cool. Since I wanted to have a fun weekend I wandered around Paris and landed at Père Lachaise cemetery that happens to have some very cool people residing there. Like, have you heard of The Doors? Well, the wonderfully handsome druggie Jim Morrison is buried there. His grave covered in roses, and pictures of him. I'm sure there would be more things there, but they actually have it barricaded so we can't get close to it. Oh yea! I went with Allie, Tahl and Caitlin. Cait and Tahl have been there already but we dragged them along. We also saw Oscar Wilde's grave which is decorated with women's and I am sure men's red lipstick prints. Allie was the only adventurous one of the group and actually kissed his grave that is blanketed with kisses. Oscar Wilde was and still is a famous writer... google for more info :) The cemeteries over here are very cool, unlike in the US when primarily there are tomb stones here they have the tomb houses so it makes it feel even more eerie and like a village. There was this weird man selling post cards and maps that kept telling Allie she could pay with USD and we were like we are in France we carry euros.
After that exciting couple of hours we all went to see Green Zone with Matt Damon. I highly recommend this movie. The movie is about the Iraq war and what the US government did and hid in order to start the war. I love Matt Damon and I love action so it was a real treat. I just wonder if the French actually got the concept of it? Well I don't really care to ask so I guess we will never know.
Today we went to Disneyland Paris!!! It felt like I was home again. Of course the park is a lot tinier compared to Orlando, but it still did the job. They had all the rides that you would possibly want to go on and the lines weren't that crazy so we were able to do every ride we wanted. Sadly though they didn't have Turkey Legs, so I guess I'll have to go down to Orlando for that. The Tower of Terror here is actually a lot better then the one in Orlando, at one point I couldn't decide if we were going up or down. We went on Thunder Mountain which of course was fun. I took a video for part of it and all you hear is Allie screaming its quite entertaining (its on Fbook). We did the Haunted Mansion which was great as always. Umm... we went on Rock'n'roller coaster and they must've like cheaped out on it or something because it was missing all the cool glow and the dark stuff while you were on the coaster, it was awkward. Then Caitlin and I went on Space Mountain and it was crazy, it was the second edition and this one went upside down and did all these spins, it was nuts. Tahl and Allie would've hated it hence why they didn't go on. We ate at Planet Hollywood for dinner, I literally felt like I was in Manhattan at Planet and we were just going out for a fun meal. I had this amazing alcoholic beverage, but sadly I don't remember the name of it. I do remember that it had baileys, ice cream, vodka, bananas, and maybe chocolate something in it... delish!! Now, I'm finally home about to fall asleep just wanted to update you first!! love.

1 comment:

  1. as always love reading about your adventures! Love you! XOXO MOM
