Tuesday, April 13, 2010

2 months and counting!!

I have now been here 2 months. It is crazy how fast it has been going all though on the other hand I feel like I've been here forever. I'm missing a lot of faces from home, which makes me believe I want to return sooner then later. So far this trip has been one for the history books, but sadly the connection I was dreaming to find in Paris I did not find. I read in an article once about the Parisian people, it was something along these lines, "The food is absolutely fantastic, but the service is dismissive and rude" referring to the French people of course. I find this to be true. The people that I do talk to outside of my program and classes that I think are from Paris end up being from other countries, none from Paris. It's kind of a bummer, but I am still enjoying myself with the friends that I have made here. They are what keep me going daily until I go home which is in 1 month and 21 days, but who is counting. I am very anxious and excited for my Spring break that starts this weekend I have been waiting for this break for a while and it is coming at the perfect time. My favorite place so far that I have visited has been London, and then next comes Cassis which is a small town in the south of France, its so quaint and adorable, good for retiring. London is great for meeting people, such a lively city. I can't wait to see what Spain and Greece have in store.
This passed weekend I went to Loire Valley and to my dismay we did not go to the Chateau Chambord which is the most famous of the castles, and to me the prettiest. We did drive by it though and it was the biggest tease ever, "I was like thanks a bunch API for being so nice to take a drive by and make us feel more crappy about not going where are first stop should've been". We did see two other castles that were way smaller. Out of those two I liked the first one the best which was the Chateau de Chenonceau. This chateau was built by Thomas Bohier and Katherine Briconnet in the 16th century. The chateau itself was known as the ladies chateau because of all the queens that have lived there. This chateau was also known for the parties that were thrown there, according to our guide they were like orgies. Allie and I ventured in to the castle that still had a lot of the furniture in it which isn't typical for most of the places we have visited in France. It was cool seeing all the beds, jewelry boxes which were more like armoires, and the art work was so amazing. The forests that surrounded the castle were spectacular, Allie and I found this really cool statue fountain in the woods far away from the castle, we were sure the people who lived there way back in the day had been all around those woods. After all most of these castles were for Kings to go to for hunting and relaxing.
Saturday night we went to dinner at one of the local restaurant in the town of Tours which was where we were staying. It was very fun. To our surprise the waiter wanted to speak english, his mom was there and he introduced us to her, and then a passing bachelor party saw us and stopped by and started to talk to us. For those of you who don't know bachelor and bachelorette parties are a lot different here then they are at home. Typically the friends and relatives will make the bride or groom dress up in something crazy, in this case he was in a diaper, and then they make them do silly tasks during the day and then there last stop is a bar. I think it sounds so much more fun then at home, but hey thats just me. It was a great night filled with laughs, my friend Caitlin when she starts laughing she can't stop so it makes everything so much funnier.
We also went to a few factories for chocolate, candy and bread. They were all very cool but brought me back to last summer when I took my nutrition class through NYU and went to these factories all through out NYC that showed us the very same things. Our second and last castle we went to was the Chateau Amboise which was where Leonardo DiVinci was buried in a chapel on the grounds. Seeing his grave was the coolest part of the chateau, by far. There were knight's armor in one of the rooms of the chateau and one of them had a belly pouch area which made me think of my dad and he probably would have worn it if he was a knight. I thought it was funny.

1 comment:

  1. As always I love reading all of your blogs! I feel like I am there with you! Can't wait till you come home.... only 1 month 3 weeks and change!! but who's counting! Love you Steph! Mom
