Sunday, April 18, 2010

Paris, Why are you so mean?

To my dismay I have come to the realization that the youth of Paris is the epitome of the stereotypes the worlds holds for them. It was upsetting to be put in the situations I was put in this past week, especially after defending the beloved people of this city before I came here. Everyone said to me "the Parisians are mean and rude, and don't care about anyone else except the French, so on and so forth, blah blah blah" and well its true. I have never been treated and more upset with a group of people before in my life. Since my time here I have been yelled at, made fun of, and clapped at. Clapped you ask? Well, a group of men clapped at a friend of mine and I after we realized we weren't going to be let in to a pretty popular club in Paris and we walked away. As we walked away they started to clap, and laughed at us. Normally, I would have said something but I was so shocked, appalled, upset that I couldn't do anything. What type of person or people would do that? Everyone is like well New Yorkers are the same way, rude, stuck up etc. The one thing that New Yorkers have against the Parisians is hospitality. We welcome who ever in and will be nice to them until they act cray-cray and we have to be rude to them. The parisians are just rude to begin with and stick their noses up in the air and turn away from the rest of the people in the world. I'm not trying to hate on the Parisians, but from my experiences here I honestly can't wait to get away from these people. The people that I have met here and do like, none of them are originally from Paris or they have opened their minds to the cultures other then their own and have realized that the French don't rule the world, and they have shown me so much welcome and helped me when I was struggling to communicate in French. Unlike the english speaking world, when attempting to speak French and you are not good at it, they will yell at you. Its happened to me plenty of times, or they will make fun of you by laughing and speaking in French and staring at you. It is so upsetting to me that this is how they behave because I had so much hope for these people before I came there, and I am sure that there are Parisians that are nice and welcoming, but when you have so many bad experiences with different ages (mostly the youth though) its disheartening and makes you believe in the stereotype even more. This experience has definitely been a great one, but I am now counting the days down to return home because of how much hatred I feel for this place. The city will always hold a special place in my heart, but the people will not. I hope this cloud fiasco disappears within the month so I can get out of here, but I am exploring other options. I am not getting stuck in a city filled with pretentious, and stuck up bitches.


  1. spoken like a true American! I am proud of you! MOM

  2. Spoken like a true American! You make me proud! MOM

  3. Hey Steph, You had a bad experience no doubt, but tomorrow you wake up and forget about it. It is the youth of Paris, as they get older most, and I do say most will change. Don't let a few idiots change you, smile at them and say thanks for the experience of Paris, I will make sure to mention your name in my article, take out a little note pad and ask them for their name because you would like to highlight them in the issue, then ask if you can take a picture. Be sure to ask who owns the establishment and ask for the proper spelling of their names so you don't get it wrong. Stand a few feet away, they will try and take it from you or knock it out of your hands. Be polite, they will say no, and then smile and say thank you, they will be wondering the rest of the night who they just insulted? Oh, and next time in your Blog, type the name of the place in BOLD CAPS.
