Sunday, May 2, 2010

Spring Break: part 1

Sitting in my overly small dorm room in downtown Paris I started to think about my wonderful spring break vacation I just returned from. Mostly because it is pouring here I am dreaming about the beaches I laid on in Spain and Greece. I left last Thursday for Barcelona, Spain. Upon my arrival with my good friend Debbie we decided to roam the streets where we landed on one of the biggest shopping streets in Barcelona, extremely similar to the Champs in Paris. This is one of those streets you window shop on and don't walk in the stores because your wallet will run away. Well we ended up finding this really cute cafe called Ou Ou where we indulged in our first real spanish tapas. I actually wasn't that big of a fan, on most of them they put this orange sauce on it that looks like the hot sauce americans put on there wings, but instead it was sweet.
After checking in to my hotel we were bombarded by club promoters and pub crawls. One of them was from the states and his aunt was supposedly from Manhattan off Park Ave. I couldn't tell if he was faking to try to get us to go with him, but he was very excited about it so who knows. We ended up not going on a pub crawl or to a club, we went to this really authentic restaurant where we had Sangria and Paella. Paella is my new favorite food and I plan on learning how to make it at home and eating it like once a week. It consisted of spanish rice, chicken or craw fish or both, vegetables and probably a whole bunch of other stuff I had no idea that was in there, but it was so good. Of course the Sangria was amazing we ended up going to a cafe afterwards and shared a carafe of Sangria, delish!
The next day when we met up with our friend Rob we went to the Sagrada Familia a church that is still in the process of being finished but was originally designed by Antoni Gaudi. The church was magnificent, it looked as if it was melting it had fruit, and animals draped over the church, there was lots of color and inside which is completely under construction there was the most gorgeous stained glass it had such bright colors. It was definitely a site that I recommend seeing. That night we met up with people from our program in Paris and went out to the clubs with them. The club was not that fun because there were mostly 35+ year olds there. I didn't enjoy watching the old men trying to dance.
We spent our last day in Barcelona at the beach. On our way to the beach we walked to their Arc de Triomph which happened to be red. Through the arc there was a market that had traditional spanish foods we hopped from booth to booth trying fruits, tapas, guac, and much more. It was really neat. The beach was beautiful and we found out from a local that this happened to be the nicest day they have had this year. That night we went to this bar called the Chupito which sold over 200 different shots for 2 euro a piece. The oasis and the boy scout were my favorite. The oasis was very fruity and the boy scout was sweet but the special thing about the boy scout is that they put the shots on fire and then give you a marshmallow on a stick that you roast over the shot. Needless to say it is a go-to place in Barcelona, but don't think you will have a lot of space to chill because there is pretty much a two foot gap between the bar and the wall, and no seats. I enjoyed it still. If you ever go ask for the Monica Lewinsky.

next stop Greece!!


  1. I thought your comment that you didnt want to watch old men trying to dance was funny!!! 35 is not old!! LOL

  2. no there were actually old me there with white hair and like keeling over.
