Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Sarah came to visit!!

So this past weekend Sarah and her friends came to visit. She is studying in Italy in a small town between Firenze and Roma. She came with two of her friends they were both super nice. We went to the eiffel tower light show which was absolutely beautiful. I could watch that forever all though it only runs for the first ten minutes on the hour from like 9 pm to 1 am I believe. It just so happened that this past weekend was the coldest that we had to deal with since I have been here, so going to the eiffel tower was fun but we ran out of there as fast as possible. I definitely want to go back when it gets warmer and hang out there. In Paris you are allowed to walk around with alcoholic beverages aka bottles of wine which is fantastic. We all still feel like we are doing something wrong since it is so strict in the states. I was also thinking about how when I go home I will have roughly two and a half months before I'm legally allowed to drink which is going to be weird seeing that drinking a glass of wine here is so normal for all ages. I just think its going to be interesting to have to wait for those months...
I went to the catacombs, it was very cool. I actually didn't know what to expect at all I figured it was more like graves underground everywhere, not mounds of bones from floor to ceiling for god knows how long. It was weird, I don't think there is another word that can best describe how I felt when I was down there. I do know one thing climbing those 84 steps to get back up to street level was one of the happiest moments because I was just glad to have survived going through that. The pictures don't do it justice at all because when you are down there it is eerie, quiet and damp. It was something out of a horror film. Speaking of I went to an American theater here where they have french subtitles instead of the films being dubbed over with French voices. I saw Shutter Island starring my favorite actor of all time Leonardo DiCaprio. I would definitely recommend it, but it isn't anything like the trailers for it. I thought it was going to be scary at the edge of your seat type of film, but it was actually one big twist more like a mind game. I enjoyed it. Since Monday I have been sick and pretty much living off dayquil and nyquil so if this doesn't make sense its because of the nyquil. I'm going to London this weekend so there will be lots to talk about next time!

Love and miss!

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