Monday, March 15, 2010

1 month down.

Bonjour mon amis!
J'ai étudié à Paris pour 1 mois. Le c'est fou! J'ai deux plus de mois et quinze jours pour aller. Je n'ai rien appris. J'utilise Mon français est horrible. J'écrirai dans l'anglais plutôt.

So, I have been here 1 month today! It is crazy! I have two months and fifteen days left. It's going by really fast. I have been sick for over a week now, started with flu-like symptoms but since then I have moved on to a sinus infection to a sore throat to double pink eye, then back to sinus infection/sore throat which brought me to the pharmacy today. It sucks but I figure now that I have had pretty much every sickness in the book once I'm better I will hopefully be immune for a while. All though I have been sick I went to London for the very first time with my friend Allie. We took the chunnel which is the train that goes under water. I slept the entire way there and back so that was good. London by the way is awesome! It's great, it made me want to get to Ireland that much faster. I thought Paris was expensive I was wrong, actually London is. The pound literally took out my wallet ripped apart threw it on the ground stepped on it and then gave it back a.k.a. I'm broke. The first day all though deathly ill we saw everything, and walked everywhere. One thing I didn't think of was the rain that happens like everyday there. Luckily thanks to Allie I stayed somewhat dry. We did the London Eye and saw all of the London scape. We went to the Palace, Hyde Park, Parliament, Big Ben, Tower of London, London Bridge and Platform 9 3/4 from the famous Harry Potter which was the main purpose of me going to London. I stayed in a hostel for the first time, it was nothing like what I'm used to, but luckily the people there were super nice and the rooms were semi-decent and we had these four funny irishmen as roommates. The first night Allie and I hung out in the bar that happened to be on the main floor of our hostel and we were figuring the irishmen were going to come back to our room really drunk and loud like the stereotypical irishmen, but no! They went to see Chicago (that is something that I would do, not a bunch of young irishmen) I thought it was hilarious. We met up with Allie's close friend from home Julia and she was really fun we went on a pub crawl with her. I also went to the part of London my Nana stayed in when she lived there and the street that Papa and her got married on so that was my sentimental part of the trip. I almost didn't want to leave on Sunday. I think I preferred to be there then Paris just because the people are nicer, taller and have manners. Unlike the French who don't talk to you, are less then 5'5 and have their noses in the air. And the English buy drinks for women unlike the French who I'd presume would ask a woman to buy a drink for them!
Anyway this weekend my sorority sister Jac maybe coming to visit but she is trying to figure out living situation, and then on saturday I am going to Champagne with my group to have a little wine/champagne testing. Champagne is in the south of France. The best part of France if you ask me is the South. As previously stated my favorite place in France is Cassis which is located in the Provence region.
I'll probably write the beginning of next week unless something dramatic happens this week.
Love and miss!

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